Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, and views about life.
— Carl Rogers

Individual Counseling

 Have you tried over and over again to change only to find yourself right back where you started? Is that bad habit constantly rearing its ugly head? Do you find that your efforts to be more patient, less selfish, more assertive, communicate more effectively, argue less, and love more passionately futile? Do you feel like that hamster constantly running on his wheel only to find he hasn't gotten any where? 

Is your relationship becoming a stressor in your life? The place where you once found comfort and support, you now feel isolated and insecure? The person you once thought you knew so well seems like a complete stranger? Rather than feeling like a married couple, you feel like roommates? Do you feel like it is never going to change? She never shows me respect. He never makes me feel loved anymore. She doesn't encourage me or support me while I bust my butt for this family. He never acknowledges all the work I do in this house and for our family! I don't know if we even know how to love each other anymore. I wish we could go back to the way it was. 

How did I get here? This is not where I thought I would be at this stage of my life? Where did my life get so off track? How have I allowed myself to get to this place? What do I want in life?

These thoughts of worry consume me! I wish I had an "off" button for my thoughts. I know that it is irrational but I just can't stop myself from worrying about it. I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I can't catch my breath. I feel so out of control!

I have lost my drive I once had. I don't have any desire to do anything or accomplish any of my goals. I just want to sleep and stay alone with my thoughts. It takes too much energy to hang out with my friends or family. They try to help me but they just don't get it. They don't understand the darkness I am in. I can't seem to find my motivation for anything. I feel so alone. 

If you can relate to any of this, then you are in the right place! 

How can I help?

Often times we try to make changes by simply altering our behaviors. Extinguishing a bad habit or trying something new. But most often, our attempts end up in failure because we did not get to the root of why we are thinking and acting in that way. In order to get rid of a weed (bad/unhealthy behavior) you must first find the root and pull it out. If you simply pull the leaves of that prickly weed, it will just come back. The same is true with planting a new flower (new/healthy behavior), you must have the root to plant into the ground in order for it to grow and last. This is where I come in. I provide you with a neutral non judgmental outside perspective. I will first help you identify the problem areas and barriers in your life, next we will begin to pinpoint root causes and then together we will establish goals and strategies that will provide you with the process which leads you to your desired outcome.

I believe the counseling process is most effective when it is a collaborative effort that is personal, genuine and transparent. At Renew MHC the ultimate goal is to serve you in a way where healing begins and change is possible. I specialize in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and I am also influenced by my Christian values. I welcome you to draw from that if it is appropriate for you. I can help you make the changes you want for your life.

by appointment only

Please contact me via text or

call at 585-210-8656 or

email me at

Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change.
— Jim Rohn